Sunday, July 1, 2012


Writing this a month in the past, I see life has waylaid my ability to finish this blog in this year, so I'm declaring a do over (kinda; I just want to say it in my onarch voice). It's possible I could catch up, but I think I'm going to be better off not doing that. See you in a year (that's likely to be controversial with some, as it was when I did it last year; too bad; also \, there will be some interim posts before July 2013; one is already sitting in the December queue); even if I don't write any more ever again, there's still about a month of posts ready to roll. We'll see just how many years I can drag 1935 out through. Kisses.


  1. I guess the reason I moan and groan about waiting is that the time-sensitive aspect of this blog, for me, is the least important part.
    No offense intended; I'd rather simply read an analysis of the full year at whatever speed it takes, rather than meticulously follow how closely the dating of the blog matches the actual year you're studying.

  2. Ah, but you get more of a sense of what it was like when the cartoon came out if it's tied to the date (which requires you to be where the cartoon was first released and to be reading it as things are posted, but still). Also, even if I'm delaying a year, the discipline of a date certain gives me more motivation to get the writing done.

  3. Oh, gosh! Not again...

  4. No more, huh? It was great while it lasted.

  5. I will finish off the year at some point, assuming I don't die.
